Faremi Ayodeji
"Science communication simplifies language used to communicate science to the public and policymakers to gain support for scientific research or inform decision making, including political and ethical thinking."
Ayodeji Faremi is a trained biomedical scientist and a medical laboratory practitioner. He is currently affiliated with Global fund supported Public Health Laboratory on Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV/AIDS services in Osun State. He was appointed as a technical member to the State Laboratory Technical Working Group(SLTWG) by the Osun State Ministry of Health(with support from MSH and The Nigeria Ministry of Health) in July 2020.
He is a certified malaria microscopist and a recipient of the Henry Jackson Foundation Medical Research International LTD/GTE with support from National Malaria Elimination Programme/Global Fund under the US Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Programme.
Faremi has attended and participated in many international workshops, including workshops on Malaria diagnosis and immunology at the University of Ghana, Accra and Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda in 2013 and 2014 respectively. He is a two-time award winner (2017 and 2020) of "Young Investigator's Award of the European Association for the Study of Liver. He is a member of many professional societies, including the European Association for the Study of Liver(EASL), Community for Healthcare Information For All (HIFA), International Association for Public Health Logisticians(IAPHL) and African Technology Policy Studies Network(ATPS).
He is working currently on an animal model of liver diseases for drug discovery and also evaluating the relationship of HIV viremia with liver cancers among naive HIV patients and ART patients in Nigeria. His other areas of interest include Hepatology, Toxicogenomics, Natural products/herbals formulation. His other areas of focus include health advocacy and outreaches, rural water development and health economics. He also has a drive and passion for community health and scientific outreaches and programmes.